
Schedule of Fees

Grievance Arbitration: $1400 for each day of hearing and study and preparation of Opinion and Award.  A day is defined as hours up to and including 8 hours. Overtime rate applies after 8 hours.

Fact Finding & Interest Arbitration: $1400 for each day of hearing and study and preparation of Findings of Fact or Opinion and Award

Card Check: $300 base fee, thereafter $100 per hour

Travel: Travel expenses and travel time will be charged for cases outside the Greater Chicago and Atlanta Metropolitan Areas.

Cancellation Fee: One full day if notice of cancellation of any particular hearing date is given less than four weeks before the scheduled start of the hearing (regardless of whether the date is rescheduled).

Joint and Several Liability: As a courtesy, the arbitrator will bill the parties in accordance with their agreement, but both parties remain jointly and severally liable for the entire fee.

Interim Billing: The arbitrator may submit an interim bill, particularly where a hearing has been held and significant out of pocket travel expenses have been incurred.